No-Cost Maternal Support in Babies' First Six Months
We consider ourselves truly lucky to be able to support caregivers and families with home visits in our community!
How can this wonderful service be no-cost? Our flagship Maternal Support Home Visiting Program is 100% volunteer-based and is open to caregivers and new dads, too. The inspiration behind this program is to offer Santa Fe families extra assistance in the fraught early months of having a new baby in the house. How can we help?
Our Programs
Welcoming a new baby into your family can be isolating. It is a transformative experience not meant to be dealt with alone. With care and compassion, our trained volunteers provide companionship, guidance, and support to mothers and caregivers during a vulnerable and precious time with their infant.
Families will be matched with one volunteer to provide 36 hours of in-home support for a 12-week period if they enroll their baby by the age of 6 months. Many Mothers will provide a village so that your family will experience less stress and have an extra pair of hands when caring for a new baby.
Family Center
The following programs are available at Many Mothers Family Center, located in Santa Fe. At the Family Center, we provide same-day drop-in assistance.
Any eligible New Mexico family is welcome to visit our Center.
The following Basic Needs programs provide tangible resources to pregnant women and families with children up to 3 years old.
- Baby Needs: With support through Baby Needs, families can receive diapers (available sizes include preemie to size 6), wipes, baby food, and infant hygiene products.
- Farm-to-Families: Through Farm-to-Families, we provide mainly organic food items to pregnant as well as breastfeeding moms, infants, and their families.
- Village Closet: The Village Closet offers baby clothes, infant equipment and supplies, postpartum maternal supplies, toys, and books. A selection of maternity clothing is also available.
Our Safe Sleep Program promotes current safe sleep practices. We utilize the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)’s Safe to Sleep campaign model to provide research-based education that is proven to reduce the incidence of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) in our community.
Our Safe Sleep program offers free cribs to families in need, as well as informational Q&As with a Certified Child Sleep Consultant. Our informationals are open to all families, and our cribs are available to families with infants up to 6 months old.
Support & Resources
The following programs are available to families with children up to 12 months old that live in Santa Fe, Rio Arriba, or Los Alamos counties.
Emergency Support
Through our Emergency Support program, we are able to provide emergency financial assistance to prevent occurrences such as evictions and utility shut-offs. Through this program, we also provide infant formula as well as necessary baby equipment that we do not have in stock at our Center.
The Navigation Program connects families to community resources that support positive outcomes. Navigation focuses on parenting education, mental health, housing and rental support, transportation, food, safety, utilities, and more.
Golden Caregivers Program / Teen Parent Program
At Many Mothers, we understand that very young as well as older caregivers may face additional obstacles when caring for an infant or toddler. Please reach out to Many Mothers and our staff will guide you through additional opportunities we have available for you.
For Caregivers
Maternal Mental Health Program
Many Mothers now offers an inclusive Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program designed to help pregnant women and recently postpartum mothers navigate the challenging emotional landscape that can follow childbirth.
This evidence-based program offers a safe space for exploration, healing, and connection through peer support groups, individualized therapy sessions, and educational workshops led by mental health professionals specializing in maternal health.
Caregivers Meetup Group
The purpose of this group is to connect, hold space for one another, and to strengthen the new caregiver network within Santa Fe. This group is for Many Mothers past and present participants of our Maternal Support Home Visiting Program. If you are interested in enrolling and/or learning more, please email Marissa Visscher at marissa@manymothers.org.
Caregivers Helping Caregivers
Are you a new mom/caregiver interested in teaching a class at The Family Center? Many Mothers is pleased to offer our Caregivers Helping Caregivers experience. For more information, please visit here.

“The kids and I adore our volunteer and are enjoying all she does. She has won the respect of my three year old, who looks forward to her visits and undivided attention. She jumps right in helping with my two and a half month old, and I have been very comfortable with everything she does to help our family. I honestly appreciate any and all support I get; it is quite a blessing to our family. The support provided by Many Mothers is amazing.”

Email info@manymothers.org or call our voicemail line and leave a message at 505-983-5984. We will be in touch within a few days.