On Monday, August 12th, Many Mothers will be hosting a second FREE introductory Zumbini Class! Designed for kids ages 0-4 and their caregivers, Zumbini combines music, dance, and educational tools for endless fun and growth.
We are excited to host this second introductory class for those who were not able to join us in July. Space is limited, RSVP today!
Aren’t able to join us in August? No worries! Keep watch for our upcoming 8-week series in September!
Caregivers and children 0 – 4 years
Free; www.mmzumbini2.eventbrite.com
Monday, August 12, 2024, 9:45 AM -10:45 AM
4001 Office Court Drive, Suite 207, Santa Fe, NM
Click here to download a printer friendly version of the Many Mothers Parenting Center calendar. Updated monthly.
Any unexpected delays or closures will be shared on Facebook @manymothers and Instagram @manymothers.