
Attention: At this time, Many Mothers is unable to accept any material items.

We are abundantly grateful to live in a generous community, full of individuals wanting to support our new families. We recently have received many wonderful donations; however, we simply are low on space and cannot store anything more at this time. Organizations, who also support families and children, that MAY be able to benefit from your support are the following: Que Cute Happy Baby Program (Las Cumbres Community Services): 505-365-3662 Casa Familia: 505-983-2042 Adelante (SFPS): 505-467-2571
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KSFR reports on the work Many Mothers is doing for families before, during and post-pandemic

When the pandemic forced schools and childcare centers to shut down, more than five million American mothers gave up their jobs. Currently, The New York Times reports that 1.3 million of these women are still out of work. As a result, the leaders of more than 200 small, medium and large companies have formed the Care Economy Business Council, which is urging sweeping reforms in the caregiving infrastructure so more mothers can return to work. Listen to the full report HERE
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The Santa Fean | Parenting doesn’t have to be done alone

“Changes in the structure of our society mean that mothers often don’t have the support from extended family or religious communities the way they did in the past,” Nancy Guthrie says.
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